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1. Maheesj Baijal (Influence of scan speed on the crack density and
microstructural parameters in additively manufactured
CM247 Ni-based superalloy) and Shardul Kher (Design and finite element modeling of multi-phase composite strucutures) completed their BTP-I in Autumn 2022 with a perfect 10. Congratulations to both!


2. Deepesh Yadav was invited to present his work titled: Structural and Mechanical Characterizations of Thermal Spray Ni-HVOF Coating at Different Temperatures at SICE, December 2022. Rohit K Yadav presented his Masters thesis work as a contributed presentation titled: FRACTURE PROPERTIES OF ADDITIVELY MANUFACTURED MAR-M 509 while Apoorv Verma presented his undergraduate project titled: Role of crack offset and loading condition on fracture behaviour of wire as an e-poster.


3. Dr. Bikash Kumar and group won the best poster award at AM 3D AERO 2022, held at MS Ramaiah, Bangalore in December 2022, for their work titled: On the Origin of Solidification Cracks and its Interplay with In-Process Developed Residual Stress in CM247 LC superalloy via PBF-LB technique". The poster was presented by Dr Dheepa Srinivasan, from PWRDC Bangalore. Many congratulations to Bikash and Shreehard.


4. Dr. Bikash Kumar presented our collaborative work with PW at the 76th ATM of IIM held in Hyderbad in November, 2022. His presentation was titled:  Role of heat input on the microstructure and mechanical properties of an LPBF fabricated CM247LC superalloy and his poster was titled: Evolution of microstructure and mechanical properties of LPBF processed Mar-M 509 after short-cycle heat treatments.


5. Nagamani Jaya Balila delivered an invited talk titled: Deformation and fracture mechanisms in nano-structured maraging steels characterised through in-situ mechanical tests, at the 76th ATM of IIM, Hyderabad in November 2022.


6. Ashwini K Mishra and Nidhin G Mathews presented their thesis work in the ECI conference on Nanomechanical Testing in Materials Research and Development VIII, held in Croatia, in October 2022. Ashwini's presentation was titled: Fracture Behaviour of Ti/TiN Multilayer Thin Film – Modeling and Experimental Validation, while Nidhin's work was titled: Microscale damage tolerance studies in ferroelectric Barium Titanate thin films.


7. Deepesh Yadav and Shreehard Sahu presented their work at ASME organsied International Additive Manufacturing Conference, held in Portugal, in October 2022. Deepesh's presentation was titled: Impact of build direction, infill pattern and raster angle on mechanical properties and damage tolerance of 3d printed PLA. Shreehard's presentation was titled: Effect of Short Cycle Heat Treatments on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Additively Manufactured Mar-M 509.

8. Bikash Kumar, presented his work titled: Transformation in Residual Stress Field due to Substrate Change during Multi‑track Deposition of IN718 Superalloy, in EuroSuperalloy 2022, 18‑22, Sept 2022, Bamberg, Germany.


9. Nagamani Jaya B gave a talk in the MRS webinar series on 100 years after Griffith, titled Fracture in Small Scale Structures and Confined Volumes, in August 2022. The recording is available for free here


10. Ashwini K Mishra successfully defended his thesis titled: "Development of Fracture Testing Techniques for Application in Multilayer Systems" in August 2022. He was conferred the doctorate degree in the convocation held at IITB on 20th August 2022. Congratulations Dr Mishra!!


11. Nidhin George Mathew's paper titled 'Multiscale characterization of damage tolerance in Barium Titanate thin films' was selected as the featured article by the Editors of Journal of Applied Physics in July 2022. Many congratulations!!


12. Bikash Kumar, presented the work titled: Influence of Heat Input on Microstructural Evolution of CM247LC via Laser Powder Bed Fusion Technique, in the International Conference On Powder Metallurgy (PM 2022), 18‑20 April 2022, Mumbai, Maharashtra.


13. Nagamani Jaya B gave an invited talk titled Fracture mechanics across small length scales: What, why and how? at ME@75 (29th June-01st July 2022) held at IISc Bangalore.


14. Kevin Jacob (Effect of HPT processing on precipitation and mechanical behaviour of Maraging steel 250​) and Soudip Basu (Microstructural engineering in Dual Phase steels: Partitioning aspects and correlation to formability) presented their work at the International Conference on Strength of Materials (27th June to 01st July 2022) held at Metz, France. Kevin won the best poster award for the poster titled: Failure behavior of nano structured Maraging steels at the conference. Many congratulations!!


15. Master's students Siba Sundar Sahoo (Heat Treatment Optimisation of Additively Manufactured Mar-M 509 – Microstructure and Mechanical Properties), Madapala Govind (Effect of annealing on the microstructure and mechanical
properties of high pressure torsioned Dual Phase Steels) and Siddharth Pradhan (

Assessing Damage Tolerance in Macro Lattice Structures) defended their Master's thesis and graduated in June 2022. Many congratulations to them, and wishing them all the best for their future endeavours.


16. Deepesh Yadav and Soudip Basu presented their work at TMS 2022 virtually.


17. Our work on: Defining role of wire aspect ratio on fracture toughness determination of brittle materials in cylindrical configuration has been selected as the cover for the Journal of Materials Research: JMR Volume 37, Issue 4 ( 


18. A workshop on Thermal Spray Coatings was organised by ASM Bangalore, IIT Bombay, PWRDC Bangalore and IISc Bangalore on 18th January 2022. B N Jaya gave a talk titled: Fracture behavior characterisation in thermal spray coatings. A link to all the presentations can be found here, with passcode: C9q2Zf#U.


19. Heena Khanchandani, a doctoral student working with Prof B Gault and Prof D Raabe at MPIE Duesseldorf visited us in Jan 2022 and gave a seminar talk titled: 

Investigation of hydrogen embrittlement in a high manganese twinning induced plasticity steel by using correlative microscopy.


20. Two PhD students Deepesh Yadav, Soudip Basu and one B.Tech student Rohit K Yadav presented their work at the 75th NMD-ATM 2021, organised by the Indian Institute of Metals, online this year, from 13th-15th Nov, 2021. Deepesh's talk was titled: Study on surface cracking and interfacial delamination of metallic coatings using a tension test. Soudip's talk was titled: Impact of extrinsic and intrinsic factors on the indentation behavior of Dual-Phase steels-A finite element modeling study. Rohit's talk was titled: Modelling Hole Expansion Ratio of Dual-Phase Steels.


21. A seminar series was hosted by the Micromechanics of Materials Group and Materials and Process Modelling Laboratory, IIT Bombay from July-Dec 2021. It had talks by eminent scientists across the world working on both computational and experimental aspects of physical and mechanical metallurgy of materials. The links for the talks can be found here.


22. Nidhin G Mathews presented his work titled: Extrinsic and intrinsic size effects on deformation and fracture in Barium Titanate’, at EUROMAT 2021 Virtual Conference, 13th -17th September 2021.


23. Shalaka Shinde from Stony Brook University, USA, joined us for an interactive session titled: Excursion on Implementation of Scientific Inquiry in Research on 25th August 2021. She made a fantastic and engaging presentation about her journey and experiences through her PhD. Her presentation is hosted here, with the Access Passcode: Session@IITB_Aug25. Do take a look!


24. Nidhin G Mathews gave an invited talk titled: Guidelines on how best to do a micro-cantilever bending based fracture test? at MPIE Duesseldorf on 14th September 2021.


25. Tejas Chaudhari, Hrushikesh Sahasrabuddhe and Anilkumar Manapuram successfully defended their Dual Degree/Mater's thesis in June 2021. The topic of Tejas' thesis was: Formulation and Prediction of Mechanical Properties of Glass based Composites using Stochastic Finite Element Analysis and Machine Learning; Hrushikesh's was: Extrinsic Size Effects in Fracture Behaviour of Materials; Anil was: Interface Fracture Energy Measurements on Coatings. Tejas and Hrushikesh won the prestigious undergraduate research award -03 of IIT-Bombay for their excellent work. 

Congratulations to all three!


26. Nagamani Jaya B was one of the conveners of the international mini-symposium on in-situ nanomechanical testing and property correlation, jointly organised by IIT-Bombay, IISc Bangalore and Brukter-Industron, on 1-2 June 2021. The event was hugely successful, with over 250 participants joining us.


27. Nagamani Jaya B was interviewed as part of the Young Faculty Award, constituted by the IITB Alumni. A clip of the same can be found here.


28. Nidhin G Mathews presented his work titled: Microscale mechanical studies in Barium Titanate: Deformation and fracture’, and Ashwini K Mishra presented his work titled:  Analysis of Mechanical Behaviour of Ti/TiN Multilayer Using Micro-

Cantilever Beam Bending at MRS 2021 Virtual, 17th  – 23rd  April 2021.


29. Many members of the group participated in the TMS 2021 Virtual, held from 13th  to 18th  March 2021. Nidhin G Mathews presented his work titled: Size effects in Barium Titanate, Ashwini K Mishra presented his work titled: Effect of layer spacing and elastic-plastic mismatch on the fracture toughness of Ti-TiN multilayers. Kevin Jacob presented his work titled: High Pressure Torsion Processed
Maraging steels: Microstructure and Mechanical Behaviour. Hrushikesh Saharsrabuddhe was honored with the Kaufmann-Calphad award at the same. 


30. Nidhin G Mathews presented his work titled: Microscale deformation and fracture studies in Barium Titanate’, at Nanobrücken 2021 - Nanomechanical Testing Conference, 23rd - 24th  February  2021.


31. Kevin Jacob and Nidhin G Mathews presented their work at the National Metallurgist's Day Annual Technical Meeting (NMD-ATM) 2020, held between 23rd to 26th Feb 2021. Kevin Jacob won the best oral presentation award, as well as the best microstructure award and Nidhin G Mathews won the best poster award. Congratulations to both the winners! 


32. Ashwini K Mishra, Nidhin G Mathews, Soudip Basu, Kevin Jacob and Tejas Chaudhari presented their work at the 3rd Structural Integrity Conference and Exhibition-SICE 2020, held between 11-13 and 18-20 Dec 2020. Nidhin G Mathews, Soudip Basu and Kevin Jacob won the 2nd prize in the best paper/poster category. Congratulations to all the winners! The e-poster of Soudip Basu and Nidhin G Mathews can be found here.


33. A TEQUIP course on Data and Error Analysis using R was offered by Prof Gururajan, Prof Prita Pant and Prof Nagamani Jaya Balila on 4-6 and 11-13 Dec 2020. Tejas Chaudhari and Kevin Jacob were part of the course as Teaching Assistants and helped the participants with the hands-on and tutorial sessions.


34. Tejas Chaudhari and Hrushikesh Sahasrabuddhe participated in the Annual Material Advantage Undergraduate Student Poster Contest at MS&T 20'. Tejas Chaudhuri secured the 1st place in the same. The list of winners is given here and the poster itself is available here. Congratulations Tejas!


35. Nagamani Jaya Balila delivered a talk titled 'Small-scale Fracture Testing' in the seminar series organised jointly by IIT Delhi and Industron on Mechanical Testing at Small Length Scales, on 20th October 2020.


36. Nagamani Jaya Balila delivered a talk in the Mechanics Lectures Series, organised by Dr. A B Harish, U. C Berkeley, on 12th September 2020 on the topic of Novel Developments of Clamped Geometries on Fracture Toughness Testing. A link to the talk can be found here.


37. Nagamani Jaya Balila delivered a talk to TATA Steel R&D on 4th September 2020 on the topic of Micromechanical testing using an indenter.


38. Hrushikesh Sahasrabuddhe has been awarded the prestigious Kaufman CALPHAD scholarship for the year 2021, jointly by the TMS foundation and CALPHAD Inc, which carries a cash prize of USD 1000.  Hrushikesh has also been conferred the Institute Academic Prize for topping his batch in the 4th year in Dual Degree category for the year 2019-20. Congratulations Hrushikesh!


39. Nagamani Jaya Balila delivered a talk in the InSIS Webinar Series on 7th August 2020, on the topic titled "Clamped Geometries for Micro and Macro-scale Fracture Toughness Testing-An Overview". The link for the same is available here.


40. Nidhin George Mathews and Ashwini Kumar Mishra participated in the Indian Ceramic Society Online Presentation Contest on Glasses, Advanced Ceramics and Refractories. Nidhin's video got a special mention. A link to short videos of their work is given here and here


41. Nagamani Jaya Balila delivered a talk to the Research Scholars Forum, IITB 25th July, 2020 on post-PhD opportunities where she described her own experiences in STEM research. A recording of the talk is available here.


42. Nagamani Jaya Balila delivered a seminar as part of the Oxford Micromechanics Group Lockdown Seminar Series on 2nd July 2020.


43. Nagamani Jaya Balila delivered a seminar talk in the Dept Seminar Series at the Dept of MEMS, IIT Bombay, June 2020. A link for the talk is found here.


44. Hrushikesh Sahasrabuddhe successfully defended his BTP-II titled "Stress Intensity Factor Solutions for Cylindrical Wire Specimen in Tensile and Clamped Bending Conditions using Finite Element Analysis". He was awarded the Undrergraduate Research Award -02 for the same. Congratulations Hrushikesh! 


45. Nagamani Jaya Balila won the outstanding reviewer award from Acta Materialia for 2019 and was one of the top ranking reviewers for the Trans IIM for 2019-20.


46. Dr Arup Dasgupta, IGCAR, Kalpakkam, visited us in Feb 2020 and delivered a talk on 'Imaging dislocation cores  in Severe Plastically Deformed Nanocrystalline Titanium using Aberration Corrected HRTEM'.


47. Dr Nicolas Randall, Alemnis, Switzerland, visited us in Feb 2020 and delivered a talk on 'Recent innovation in in-situ extreme mechanics at the micro and nanoscale'.


48. Dr Sridhar (NMRL) and Prof Nagamani Jaya Balila (IITB) along with InSIS organised a workshop on Structural Integrity of Ships and Submarines' on 24-25th Jan 2020, that was attended by more than 60 participants. 


49. Prof Sanjay Sampath and Mr John Saputo from the State University of new York (SUNY), visited the group in Dec 2019 and Jan 2020 respectively. Prof Sampath is distinguished visiting faculty at IIT Bombay and delivered a talk on 'Novel Concepts in Rapid Prototyping/Manufacturing of Mesoscale Electronics and Sensors through Direct Write Thermal Spray', and held a number of successful discussions and interactions with students and colleagues. Mr John Saputo delivered a talk on his PhD dissertation topic: 'Transient Thermal Properties of TBCs'.


50. Dr Dheepa Srinivasan, Pratt and Whitney, visitied us in Jan 2020 and gave a talk titled:'Gas Turbine Component Life Extension via Advanced Coatings Technologies'.


51. Taksh J Satra successfully defended his BTP-I titled "Non-conventional Fracture Test Geometries, Standardization and Validation". Congratulations Taksh! 


52. Kevin Jacob won the best presentation award in the Bi-Annual Symposium for Research Scholars at IIT Bombay, held on 19th October 2019. Congrats Kevin! 


53. Ashwini Kumar Mishra won the 2nd prize in the student poster presentation  category at Nanoyantrika 2019. Congratulations Ashwini!


54. Nidhin G Mathews, Ashwini K Mishra and Nagamani Jaya Balila attended Nanoyantrika 2019, Trivandrum, between 22-24th September 2019 and presented their ongoing work. 


55. Prof Gerhard Dehm, Director, MPIE Duesseldorf and Prof Christina Scheu, Professor, RWTH Aachen visited IIT Bombay and delivered talks on "Do we understand the microstructure and properties of materials: New insights by advanced microscopy techniques" and "Materials for renewable energy applications" respectively on July 15th, 2019. They also had successful interactions with the students and departmental colleagues. 


56. Kevin Jacob and Soudip Basu presented their posters titled "Precipitation Kinetics of HPT Processed Maraging Steels" and "Impact of Severe Plastic Deformation on Strain Partitioning of Dual Phase Steels" respectively at ISMANAM 2019, in Chennai. 


57. Nagamani Jaya Balila presented the work of the group, titled "Microscale Fracture Behavior of Materials" at the International Conference on Applied Mechanics, 3rd-5th July, 2019, on the kind invitation of the organisers Prof Bobji and Prof Ramaswamy.


58. A one day Workshop on Nanoindentation and Nanotribology: Theory and Applications was organised by IITB with support from Bruker, on the 26th of June, 2019 with over 60 participants from the academia and industry.


59. Deepesh Yadav successfully defended his Masters Thesis, titled "Impact of Severe Plastic Deformation Processing on Precipitation Kinetics, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Maraging Steels". He will continue for his PhD at IIT-Bombay. Congratulations Deepesh!


60. Nagamani Jaya Balila gave a talk titled "Micromechanics of Fracture in High Strength Steels" on her visit to ENSCL, Lille, France, at the kind invitation of Prof Jean-Bernard Vogt, on 17th June 2019.


61. Hrushikesh Sahasrabuddhe presented his work titled "Experiments & Modelling of Fracture Behaviour in Cold Drawn Pearlitic Steels" at the 3rd International Conference on Structural Integrity and Durability, Croatia, June 4-9, 2019. 


62. Nidhin George Mathews, Ashwini Kumar Mishra and Nagamani Jaya Balila visited MPIE Duesseldorf and RWTH Aachen in the summer of 2019 as part of the Max Planck Partner Group project on Designing Damage Tolerant Functional Oxide Nanostructures.


63. Hrushikesh Sahasrabuddhe earned a summer internship programme with Prof Jochen Schneider at the Materials Chemistry Department of RWTH Aachen and spent two months between May-July 2019, working on Noble Metal High Entropy Alloy coatings for Precision Glass Molding application.


64. Neha Kumari successfully defended her BTP-II titled "Analysis of Clamped Beam Bending test geometry", and graduated this year with a B.Tech in Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science. Congratulations Neha!


65. Hrushikesh Sahasrabuddhe successfully defended his BTP-I titled "Experiments & Modelling of Fracture Behaviour in Cold Drawn Pearlitic Steels". Congratulations Hrushikesh! 


66. Nagamani Jaya Balila and Kevin Jacob attended the two day Microstructural Engineering conference at IIT Kanpur on 30-31st March 2019, and made presentations titled "Fracture Behavior of Cold-Drawn Pearlitic Steel Wires" and "Precipitation Kinetics of HPT Processed Maraging Steels" respectively. 


67. Nagamani Jaya Balila attended the Max Planck Partner Group meeting held in Mumbai on 15-16 March, 2019.


68. Deepesh Yadav and Soudip Basu presented their work at the Bi-annual symposium for Research Scholars, organised by the Dept of MEMS, IIT Bombay on 9th March 2019.


69. Nagamani Jaya Balila was invited to deliver her lecture titled "Microscale Fracture Behavior of Materials" at the Fracmeet-2019, held at Institute of Mathematics Sciences, Chennai between 4-7 March, 2019. You can find the talk here.


70. Nidhin George Mathews, Ashwini Kumar Mishra and Nagamani Jaya Balila presented their work at ICONS at IIT-Madras, 14th-17th Dec, 2018.


71. Deepesh Yadav presented a poster titled " Impact of severe plastic deformation on the microstructure and mechanical properties of maraging steels" at the CoEST meeting at IIT-Bombay, 11-12th Dec, 2018.


72. Nidhin George Mathews and Ashwini Kumar Mishra presented their work at the Bi-annual Symposium for Research Scholars, organised by the Dept of MEMS, IIT Bombay on 27th October, 2018. Nidhin secured the best presentation award for his session. Congratulations Nidhin!


73. Our group got featured in the Glimpses of Research published by IITB Find out more at: and


74. Nidhin George Mathews visited the Max Placnk Institut fuer Eisenforschung, Duesseldorf for his project work on micro-scale testing of Barium Titanate between 25th June to 13th July, 2018.


75. All five DD-M.Tech students: Aloshious Lambai, Dileep H Kendre, Kriti Pragya, Sudheer Kumar, Suprit Bhusare graduated with their Mater's thesis from the group in 2018. Congratulations to them!


76. Neha Kumari, B.Tech student, successfully defended her BTP-1 thesis titled "Pre-cracking strategies for fracture toughness determination in brittle systems". Congratulations to her!

77. Sudheer Kumar presented his work titled “Strain partitioning measurement in dual phase steels“ in the Steel Symposium on 18th May, 2018.

78. Nidhin George Mathews attended the First Summer School on Ferroelectrics, University of New South Wales(UNSW), Sydney, Australia, 5-9 February 2018.


79. Ashwini K Mishra and Soudip Basu attended GIAN course on Failure of Materials, IIT Kanpur,14-23 December 2017.

80. Kevin Jacob visited the Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited (Midhani), Hyderabad on an industrial visit, on 13.12.2017

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