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1. Development of in-situ micromechanical testing techniques under complex stress states, loading conditions and environments


2. Deformation and fracture behavior of additively manufactured alloys across multiple length sca;es


3. Size effects and microstructure engineering of multi-phase alloys as well as interface engineering of intrinsically brittle systems for improved mechanical response


4. Design of multilayered, composite architectures for thin films, coatings and bulk structures using finite element modeling and machine learning algorithms


1. Interface Fracture Energy Measurements on Thermal Spray Coatings: Pratt & Whitney
2. Pass schedule for cold rolling mill: Honeywell
3. Heat treatment optimization for enhanced mechanical performance of additively manufactured Mar-M 509 Co-based superalloy using micromechanical testing and characterization: Pratt & Whitney
4. Development of modules for (a) microstructural evolution during (i) heat treatment and (ii) solidification and (b)structure-property correlations in some Ti-base alloys: Airbus
5. Airbus IITB Joint Development Program (Development of Corrosion-Fatigue Resistant Coated Aluminium Aircraft Skins): Airbus

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